Psychiatry for Junior Medical Officers

Psychiatry for Junior Medical Officers

This unit of study is for junior medical officers doing a JMO rotation in psychiatry, or other term in which they may seek registrar or consultant supervision related to mental healthcare.

It will orient JMOs to the speciality of psychiatry whilst supporting learning and development of core mental health skills through the rotation. The course is self-paced distance education that enables a variety of activities online and with the JMO’s supervisor.

Audience: NSW Junior Medical Officers who have started or will start their JMO term in psychiatry in the next 6 months; or wish to develop their psychiatry skills despite not being able to access a psychiatry rotation. Supervisors of JMOS may also enrol.

Enrolment: Through myHETIconnect, with monthly entry into the course. Please note that if you are a current student or have previously studied with HETI you should enrol using your existing student details.  See below for open enrolment periods.

Register for Semester 2 2024 from  June 23 2024 - February 1 2025

Completion time: flexible (see FAQs)

Learning Outcomes
1.Understand the process of making a diagnosis in psychiatry, including the appreciation of the context, the recipient and how they may react and the pragmatic implications.  
2.Demonstrate the ability to reflect on the concepts to improve mental health care and relate the learning to individual professional development pathways


The course will consists of 5 topics accessed through the myHETI learning management system, with an accompanying Learning Activity Journal to be completed by the trainee in conjunction with an approved RANZCP supervisor.

The course has been designed to support JMOs and supervisors in meeting requirements of the National Framework for Prevocational (PGY1 and PGY2) Medical Training.

* Topic 1: Psychiatric Assessment
* Topic 2: Making a diagnosis
* Topic 3: Care planning
* Topic 4: Capacity, Guardianship and the Mental Health Act
* Topic 5: Psychiatric Emergencies
It is estimated that the combination of online and Learning Activity Journal activities will require 25 hours to complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to enrol?

NSW Junior Medical Officers undergoing a Psychiatry or other rotation in which they can seek mental health supervision. JMO supervisors may also enrol.

How do I find out more?

What will I need?
A valid NSW Health email. If you believe you are eligible but do not have such an email, contact

If I am a supervisor, how can I use the course for RANZCP CPD?The manner a psychiatrist chooses to engage with the course will influence which CPD category that could be claimed. RANZCP or other college guidelines should be referred to.

How long should I allow to complete the course?
It is expected most participants will complete the activities over one to two months.

How long am I enrolled for?
There will be an annual review of enrolments to remove inactive students.