Medical Mental Health Care - (8AMF110)

Medical Mental Health Care - (8AMF110)

Level ~ Graduate Certificate
Availability ~ To be announced

Please note this unit is not available in 2024

In this unit student will explore core issues in delivering effective mental healthcare as a doctor. They will develop their capacity to use peer review to improve practice; and apply this to an aspect of practice chosen by the student. The unit includes participation in interactive groups to supports doctors to apply material from other AMHS units to their own practice.


  • Unit enrollment is available in Teaching Period 1 only.
  • Unit will run across 15 teaching weeks (duration of three teaching periods).

For Term dates, see the Academic Calendar.

Please note this unit is not available in 2024

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

  • Describe commonalities and differences in roles of doctors in mental health care
  • Describe the process of peer review to improve practice
  • Critically appraise one aspect of your practice through peer review with reference to ethico-legal implications.


Weekly Schedule
Week 1 Doctor's roles in mental healthcare
Week 2 Peer Review
Week 3 Using Professional standards and guidance
Week 4 Practical practice essentials
Week 5 Emerging issues