Lifespan Medical Mental Health Care - (8AMF111)

Lifespan Medical Mental Health Care - (8AMF111)

Level ~ Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma
Availability ~ To be announced

Please note this unit is not available in 2024

In this unit students will enhance their ability to safely and effectively adapt mental healthcare as a doctor for individuals in differing life stages. They will also develop their capacity to improve practice; and apply this to an aspect of mental healthcare and lifespan cohort chosen by the student. Lifespan cohort may include application to a family and or social unit of people from differing generations. The unit includes participation in interactive groups to supports doctors to apply material from other AMHS units to their own practice.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  • Identify and explore adaptations required in Mental Health care to meet the needs of a specific lifespan cohort
  • Apply knowledge of a professional development approach that demonstrates reviewing performance or measuring outcomes.
  • Describe how to adapt an element of MH care for an identified age span of the population, relevant to the student’s role related role


Weekly Schedule
Week 1 Lifespan impacts MH (overview)
Week 2 Selecting the right CPD approach for your practice
Week 3 Lifespan impacts prescribing
Week 4 Lifespan impacts physical health/MH care (in your role)
Week 5 Lifespan impacts working with families and supporters (in your role)