Feedback and grievances

Student Feedback & Grievances

HETI Higher Education is committed to providing a safe and rewarding student experience and welcomes student feedback to enable continuous improvement. During your time as a student, you will have access to informal feedback, academic appeals and grievance processes that are conducted with the aim of timely and effective resolution.


Throughout your time as a student you will be invited to give feedback several ways:

  • The feedback “quick link” located within myHETI
  • An early feedback survey within each unit provides students with an early opportunity to raise issues related to their study. Where possible we will resolve issues identified here quickly to ensure an optimal learning experience during your semester.
  • A final feedback survey within each unit provides students an opportunity to reflect on the full semester experience, with feedback improving future delivery of units.

Additional opportunities are also available for students to become representatives on HETI Higher Education committees and advisory panels. Learn more about student representation.


HETI promotes a culture of collaboration, openness, and respect and encourages wherever possible, complaint resolution by a process of discussion and mediation.

You are welcome to raise grievance about any aspect of HETI Higher Education’s operations. These may be raised informally through the feedback “quick link” located within myHETI, or through formal channels.

A formal approach involves completing a Grievance Form which is available from the Faculty & Student Liaison Officer. For more information please see the Student Grievance Procedure.

HETI Higher Education is also registered with the independent mediation provider The Resolution Institute, and is a member of its Student Mediation Scheme. The scheme provides access to an external appeals process in the event the internal grievance system has been exhausted.

Academic appeal

If a student is found to have engaged in academic misconduct, there are conditions under which they can appeal to the HETI Higher Education Academic board. For more information please see the Student Academic Integrity Policy.