Psychotherapy and Recovery (200302)

Psychotherapy and Recovery (200302)

Level ~ Masters
Availability ~ Semester 2

Communication and psychotherapeutic skills are valued as core skills for medical practitioners in delivering effective mental health care. However, with the increasing focus upon recovery, scientific findings in the neurosciences and the plethora of democratised mental health interventions offered via the internet, students will be asked to think critically about the place of psychotherapy within their own work settings and how psychotherapy maintains relevance in contemporary mental health care.

Using the CanMEDS domains of Communicator and Collaborator students will increase their knowledge and understanding of the theoretical constructs and scientific underpinnings of psychological therapies that they will continue to use throughout their medical practice. In reviewing psychotherapy in light of recovery-oriented mental health practice, students will be asked to consider if assumptions built into some psychotherapies or their application create barriers to preclude the equitable participation of all people. Students will address the theoretical perspectives and applications of psychodynamic and structured psychotherapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and others and learn key psychotherapeutic skills. Topics include building psychodynamic awareness and skills, e-therapies, the application of neurosciences to understanding psychotherapy and interprofessional communications. Students will use a review of their learning to identify and communicate a plan for professional development that supports psychotherapeutic practice appropriate to their projected work settings and roles.

Learning Outcomes

In this unit of study, using a knowledge of psychological distress, mental illness and psychotherapies, and with application of identified medical competencies to the students workplace and role, students will be able to:

  • Critically review, evaluate and present evidence regarding success factors and barriers to successful psychotherapy and critique the implications for the student’s practice.
  • Critique key principles and theoretical basis of a wide range of psychodynamic and structured psychotherapeutic modalities, including the neurobiological aspects of psychotherapy.
  • Critique the use of documentation and other communication between professionals to maintain a coordinated management plan in the presence of psychotherapy.
  • Conduct a comprehensive psychiatric assessment with an emphasis on psychotherapeutic understanding.
  • Construct a psychotherapeutic formulation incorporating relevant theoretical constructs to inform a management plan, and examine the processes of therapeutic alliance and collaboration using these constructs in a case in which psychological methods are used.
  • Prepare and justify, with integration of the other learning outcomes of this unit, a professional development plan for supporting ongoing adherence to relevant professional and ethical standards of practice in psychotherapy.

Teaching Schedule
Topic 1 Psychotherapy - What’s the Evidence?
Topic 2 Psychotherapy – Roles, Ethics and Collaboration in Recovery-Oriented Practice
Topic 3 Psychodynamic Therapies 1
Topic 4 Psychodynamic Therapies 2
Topic 5 Presenting Psychotherapy Cases
Topic 6 Structured Therapies
Topic 7 e-therapies and Supportive Therapies
Topic 8 Mindfulness and Positive Psychology
Topic 9 Systemic Therapies

Psychotherapy Psychiatric Course