Enabling Effective Mental Health Care in the Perinatal Period (8APK034)

Enabling Effective Mental Health Care in the Perinatal Period (8APK034)

Level ~ Graduate Diploma
Availability ~ All teaching periods
Type ~ Perinatal and Infant

Providing the best possible care for infants and their families requires access to, and engagement in, appropriate health care services and programs. However, there may be barriers that prevent or delay timely intervention. In this unit, we explore factors within families, the workplace and broader systems that may promote early engagement and the experience of receiving mental health care in the perinatal period.

For Term dates, see the Academic Calendar.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

  1. Identify opportunities for enhancing engagement in perinatal and infant mental health care

Weekly Schedule 
Week 1 Enhancing workplace culture
Week 2 Engaging families in care
Week 3 Engaging peers in service delivery
Week 4 Integrated services for perinatal and infant mental health
Week 5 Technology and service delivery