Dr May Su

Dr May Su

Academic Lead

May is a General Practitioner in Sydney, NSW. She attained a Masters in Mental Health (General Practitioner) at NSW Institute of Psychiatry (NSWIOP) in 2010 and has been a tutor at NSWIOP until being appointed to the role of Academic Lead, General Practitioner, in 2017.

She is Chair of the RACGP Specific Interest Group Abuse and Violence in Families.  She is an Australian General Practice Training Supervisor and Royal Australian College of General Practice Examiner. She is founder/ associate of Cremorne GP group, a General Practitioner Support Group, and has facilitated Medical Board supervision.

May clinically sees the breadth of General Practice. However, with her special interest in mental health, she also manages chronic complex care, mental health including high risk clients, paediatrics and womens’ health including family specific mental health issues, and sexual health. She has been involved in managing complex situations such as family abuse and violence, suicide prevention, risk of violence and sexual violence to others, adolescent mental health, paediatric mental health, perinatal anxiety and depression, eating disorders, long standing developmental issues, affective disorders including bipolar affective disorder and acute psychosis.

Being interested in preventative health, May is passionate about improved community education and awareness. She has developed and facilitated several educational seminars on several health-related issues to the public and at a professional level. These have included issues on mental health, early childhood health and development, post-natal anxiety and depression, and family abuse and violence.

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