
HETI Higher Education Governance

HETI is a registered higher education provider. As a provider, HETI must comply with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2015 that sit under the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011. Learn more about our Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) accreditation.

There are two principal governance committees for HETI Higher Education which entitles it to oversee higher education delivery. These are:

  1. HETI Higher Education Academic Board

    The academic board is responsible for ensuring the organisation’s higher education objectives are met. It takes responsibility for academic policy making; academic management; and oversight of best practice in teaching and learning.

    The Higher Education Academic Board reports to the Higher Education Governing Council.

  2. HETI Higher Education Governing Council

The governing council exercises overall responsibility for pursuing the mission and goals of higher education listed in the Higher Education Strategic Plan.

View the Higher Education Governance Model.

The members of governing committees are listed below:

Academic Board Members



Role Title


Professor Lynne Madden

Associate Dean of learning and Teaching, School of Medicine, Sydney, The University of Notre Dame Australia

External Academic

Associate Professor Lisa Lampe

Centre for Brain & Mental Health Research (CBMHR)

External Academic

Dr Meg Smith

APS, Fellow Australia Psychological Society (FAPS)

External Academic

Ms Aileen Pamonag LaneAssociate Lecturer , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University

HETI Attendee

Ms Gail Forrest

Acting Executive Director Leadership, Management Development and Design

HETI Attendee

Dr Susan Grimes

Director, HETI Higher Education

HETI Attendee

Dr Roderick McKay

Director Psychiatry & Mental Health Programs

HETI AttendeeDr Lorenzo VigentiniAssociate Director, Education and Training
HETI AttendeeDr May SuAcademic Lead GP
HETI AttendeeDr Paul FungAcademic Lead Psychiatry
HETI AttendeeVacantLearning Pathway Coordinator
Student RepresentativeDr Jactina BorrowPost Graduate Course in Psychiatry 

Student Representative

Ms Tracy McClusky

Applied Mental Health Studies


Ms Leila Sara

Secretariat / Executive Officer to Director, HETI Higher Education

Governing Council Members



Role Title


Professor Kay Wilhelm

Professor and Head of Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Notre Dame Sydney

External Attendee

Mr Brian Jackson

Director of Finance and Corporate Services, The Sydney Children’s Hospital Network

External Attendee

Dr Iain Perkes

The University of New South Wales, Black Dog Institute

External Attendee

Dr Michael Bowden

Senior Clinical Advisor, Child and Youth Mental Health/Senior Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist

External Attendee

Ms Joanne Seymour

Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

External AttendeeMr Ross SinclairFinance Representative
External AttendeeMr Michael DaleyConsumer Representative
External AttendeeMr Adam HennessyConsumer Representative
External AttendeeMs Bronwyn CutlerGraduate Representative
Chair Academic BoardProfessor Lynne Madden

Associate Dean of learning and Teaching, School of Medicine, Sydney, The University of Notre Dame Australia

HETI Attendee

Adjunct Professor Annette Solman

Chief Executive
Health Education and Training Institute

HETI Attendee

Dr Susan Grimes

Director, HETI Higher Education


Ms Leila Sara

Secretariat / Executive Officer to Director, HETI Higher Education

The governing body meets Australian residency membership requirements. All members have been established as fit and proper persons.

HETI governance

The corporate operations of HETI are defined by the legislative provisions under which it is established, the Health Services Act 1997 (NSW), and the role and functions delegated to HETI by the Secretary of the NSW Ministry of Health.

HETI was established as a Chief Executive Governed Statutory Health Corporation. In lieu of a board the Chief Executive operates under Sections 52B, 52C and 52E of the Act.

The Chief Executive has equivalent authority to a Board and answers to the NSW Health Secretary who reports to the Premier of NSW Government. Learn more about HETI’s governance.

Contact us

For more details regarding the governance and operations of HETI Higher Education, including the location of governance and management please contact us.